Tag: Okole

Who is the AT featured blogger

by axarob on Sep.02, 2011, under Capt'ns Blog

Our Antilles Treasures staff has racked our rum addled brains looking for a character that best represented AT in our way of thinking via business and life.  Those of you that have followed us for a while have seen this character develop over the last year or so, and we are now proud to introduce you to AT’s feature blogger….Cap’n Okole Rouge.

The good Cap’n is so entrenched in AT that he has become the face of our business; that’s right, Rouge is the red lizard in our logo. 

This well traveled lizard writes his whimsical views while sitting in a terrarium somewhere in his Kansas residence.  He dreams daily of the “Tropical Way,”  patiently planning his next escape to ST Somewhere, while listening to island themed music and sipping from his owner’s well stocked rum bar.

Why a lizard?

Though they may be different sub species, the lizard is very common in Hawaii and the Caribbean, and we even have them in Kansas.  Rob even sports an ink version on the crest of his left shoulder.  He is a character that is there, but often unseen.  That is how Rob likes to do his photo work…giving you many times that view that is there, but not noticed by many.

What’s with the name?

We will break it down, and then after you roll your eyes or chuckle a bit, you will understand the AT logic here….

Cap’n….Rouge, thinks of himself as a bit of a rogue or free spirit, doing the things he wants and likes; Things that others turn their tails up at and walk away, whether in fear or shyness.  This is a lizard’s lizard; Hence, the moniker, Cap’n.

Okole….The AT owners lived in Hawaii for several years.  There were three Hawaiian words that became an every day part of our communications.  The words were Aloha…”hello” and “goodbye” and Mahalo, meaning “Thank You.”  The last of the three was Okole…meaning “bottom,” “backside” or “butt.”  We were in the process of rearing two toddlers at the time, and that word was popular for anything from changing diapers, to getting your backside over to mom or dad for a talking to.  Hawaii is where the “Tropical Way” grew into our hearts and minds therefore we chose to use Okole in the naming of our lizard.

Rouge…French for red.  We picked this one for a couple of reasons.  First, we have plenty of experiences with the tropical sun and its burning effects.  Second, ST Martin is one of our favorite hang outs.  There, you can choose to get sun on as much of your body as you are comfortable with.  Now we have a lizard living in a land locked state like Kansas.  He visits the tropics regularly viewing himself as a free spirit.  Put the naming explanations together and you get two versions….1. Cap’n Okole Rouge, and then flip the names like you were speaking French , this brings you to the less refined version…2.  Cap’n Red Ass…need we say much more…go ahead roll your eyes now.

Yes, this guy is the face of Antilles Treasures.  His character will be the author of many of the stories here.  The photo work is that of AxARob, and will stay that way no matter how hard the Cap’n tries to lead a page mutiny.

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